"Aliens: The Most Important Question of Our Time - Good, Bad, or Neutral?"


 "Aliens: The Most Important Question of Our Time - Good, Bad, or Neutral?"

It is possible that aliens may have existed in the past and could have helped ancient civilizations. It is also possible that they still exist, but they may be hesitant to respond to our signals due to a fear of being wiped out or their hostile nature towards us.

Aliens or the world of aliens might have superior technology than us and are pro at handling space travel. Because of this reason, the following remark was made by famous cosmologist Stephen Hawking -

"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans."

No wonder people are glued to this quote as a kid watching a magic trick or a fish hooked to a tiny bait! There is more to this quote than meets the eye, which may not be apparent to the average person. It is worth taking the time to delve deeper and uncover the profound wisdom that lies beneath its surface.

It is important to note that humanity is currently classified as a Type 0 civilization, which means that we are unlikely to reach the status of a Type 1 civilization on the Kardashev Scale for several hundred years. This scale was designed by a Russian astrophysicist to measure a civilization's level of technological advancement.

A lot of science fiction got me thinking about the potential risks of communicating with highly advanced civilizations. We on Earth have yet to learn about what is out there! It's exciting to imagine the possibilities of establishing contact with such planets, but we must also be mindful of the potential dangers that come with it, like coming into touch with hostile Type 1 or Type 2 species.


Who's out there and why should they exist?

Several scientists are positive that aliens exist as goes this analogy: We cannot say why we exist in this world, the moment we say we can answer it, we'll know why aliens should necessarily exist.
